Jitterbit System Status

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    Jitterbit is vigilant at applying safe and secure integration processes. We use strict security measures to protect our customers’ valuable information, and constantly evaluate and improve our systems and processes to keep abreast of the latest security demands.

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    eiCloud NA is experiencing a delay with ftp transactions
    Incident Report for Jitterbit
    A fix has been implemented and performance is recovering.
    Posted Nov 29, 2023 - 22:12 UTC
    A fix has been deployed. Backlogs still remain and we are monitoring the progress through the backlogs.
    Posted Nov 29, 2023 - 20:58 UTC
    Issue has been identified. Working on a fix.
    Posted Nov 29, 2023 - 18:56 UTC
    eiCloud NA is experiencing a delay with ftp transactions.
    Posted Nov 29, 2023 - 16:55 UTC
    A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
    Posted Nov 28, 2023 - 19:04 UTC
    eiCloud NA is experiencing a delay with ftp transactions
    Posted Nov 28, 2023 - 15:56 UTC
    This incident affected: NA eiCloud (Portal).